Later seasons phased this out, so they are rarely seen without Ryder or some other human character with them.

Color-Coded Characters: Generally associated with their role, such as Chase (police dog) and Marshall (fire dog) having blue and red uniforms, respectively, but still:.As a group, the pups have "Ryder needs us!" (or sometimes, "Ryder's calling!") when they're summoned for a mission.Catchphrase: All members have at least one.In "Moto Pups: Pups Save a Sneezy Chase", Sky uses the absent Chase's "Ready for action, Ryder, sir!".

In "Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone", Marshall uses Ryder and Chase's lines when required to handle an emergency by himself.In "Pups Save a Superpup", Zuma borrows Rubble's "On the double" line when called upon to drive the absent pup's bulldozer.Borrowed Catchphrase: The pups sometimes use the catchphrases of their teammates:.How can they not be? Special mention goes to super spy police dog Chase and Pup-Fu practicing firefighter Marshall. Badass Adorable: They're a Rescue team comprised of vehicle-driving, gadget-wielding Precious Puppies.In Season 3, a few of the pups get flight pack add-ons.

Awesome Backpack: How all the pups carry their tools, voice-activated by their barks.